The final rule for Calorie Disclosure, which went into effect December 1, 2016, requires vending machine operators who own or operate 20 or
more vending machines (or who voluntarily register with the FDA to be subject
to the final rule) to provide calorie declarations for certain articles of food sold
from vending machines. It should be noted that the requirements apply to vending
machines operators rather than food manufacturers.
Nutrition Facts Label Reproduction
An article of food sold from a vending machine automatically meets the rule, and
is exempt from any other means of disclosure, if the prospective purchaser can
view the calories, serving size, and servings per container listed in the Nutrition
Facts label (rather than “the entire” Nutrition Facts label) without any
Front of Pack (FOP)
The final rule stated that FOP labeling can be an efficient way to provide visible
nutrition information provided that the criteria for color and type size are met.
The rule defines point of purchase as providing such information on the label
of a food sold in a vending machine before the prospective purchaser makes a
purchase. In order for a prospective purchaser to be able to view nutrition
information on a label of a vending machine food at the point of purchase, the
prospective purchaser must be able to read the nutrition information before
purchasing the food, which typically means that the vending machine would
have to have a clear front so that the prospective purchaser would be able to
see the information.
Below you can login to access a list of food and beverage manufacturers and suppliers who are NAMA members and who have self-identified as providing front-of-pack labeling, to comply with the FDA's ruling. This list is updated by the manufacturers, not NAMA.
Login to see the full list.